Results for 'Sara Nuria Miras Boronat'

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  1.  37
    Language at Play. Games and Linguistic Turn after Wittgenstein and Gadamer.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - In Emily Ryall, Wendy Russell & Malcolm MacLean (eds.). Routledge. pp. 87-97.
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    Joc, treball i art. Els pragmatistes de Chicago i la construcció de formes socials d'experiència democràtica.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - Br::Ac 2 (1):24-45.
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    Experiencia y lenguaje en Dilthey y Collingwood : autobiografía intelectualy pretensión de verdad de la ciencia histórica.Sara Nuria Miras Boronat - 2012 - Endoxa 29:113.
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  4. Máscara, lenguaje y el sueño imposible de ser.Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2007 - la Torre Del Virrey. Revista de Estudios Culturales 4:62-66.
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  5. Experiencia y lenguaje en Dilthey y Collingwood. Autobiografía intelectual y pretensión de verdad de la ciencia histórica.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2012 - Endoxa 29:113-131.
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    Comprensión, diálogo y finitud : sobre un "humanismo pluralista" en Gadamer.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2005 - Endoxa 1 (20):479.
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    Giorgio AGAMBEN, Què vol dir ser contemporani?. 2009.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:235.
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    Games People Play. George Herbert Mead's Concept of Game and Play in a Contemporary Context.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - In T. Burke & K. Skwronski (eds.). Lexington Books. pp. 163-171.
  9. Hermeneutics, Practical Philosophy and the Ontology of Community: Wittgenstein, Gadamer and Bernstein.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2015 - In Ramón del Castillo, Ángel M. Faerna & Larry A. Hickman (eds.). Brill Rodopi. pp. 125-134.
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    Perspektiven und Formen des Lebens: Nietzsche und Wittgenstein.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - In Simon Springmann & Asmus Trautsch (eds.). Duncker Und Humblot. pp. 69-74.
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    Wittgenstein y Gadamer: lenguaje, praxis, razón.Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Dissertation, Universitat de Barcelona
  12.  15
    El final és al punt de partida: notes per a una arqueologia antropològica del present. [REVIEW]Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:235-238.
  13.  13
    Introducción al monográfico “Jane Addams en español”.Núria Sara Miras Boronat & Just Serrano Zamora - 2021 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 13 (2).
    Es un placer para nosotros, flamantes nuevos editores de la sección multilingüe de la EJPAP, estrenar esta sección con el dossier monográfico “Jane Addams en español.” El monográfico ha conseguido la hazaña de poder unir por primera vez textos de las todavía pocas personas que escriben en lengua castellana y que están familiarizadas con la obra de Jane Addams (1860-1935). El desconocimiento de la vida y obra de Jane Addams entre el público hispanohablante no se debe, de ningún modo, al (...)
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    On Persuasion and Other Compulsive Habits in Democracy.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - In Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), Persuasion and Compulsion in Democracy. Lexington Books.
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    Institut für Philosophie of the University of Leipzig (Germany). She was awarded her PhD at the University of Barcelona (Spain) for her disserta-tion, Wittgenstein and Gadamer: Language, Praxis, Reason: The Problem of Pluralism through the Philosophy of Language (2009). While a doctoral stu.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2013 - In Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński (eds.), Persuasion and Compulsion in Democracy. Lexington Books.
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  16.  68
    Die Welt als Grund: Wittgenstein, Gadamer und James.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2011 - Akten des XXII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie.
  17.  14
    Richard Bernstein, Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (1).
    Dewey and the Task before Us: The Making of the Democratic Experience This book review could also be entitled “John Dewey: Old and New,” recalling a distant resemblance to one of the most well known books of Dewey, Individualism Old and New (1930). But in this case the subject pursued under this title would be the development in the reception of John Dewey’s work in the past century. This is a genuine hermeneutical reflection on the significance of one of the (...)
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  18.  12
    AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Què vol dir ser contemporani?Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:235-238.
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    (1 other version)Jane Addams: ideali di pace (vecchi e nuovi) Un approccio tragico.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - forthcoming - la Società Degli Individui.
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    Spiel, Selbst und Gesellschaft Skizze einer Philosophie des Spiels.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2016 - Philosophische Rundschau 63 (1):37-59.
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    Reseña de "La utopía moral como eman-cipación del azar" de Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2002 - Signos Filosóficos 8:331-332.
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  22. Dewey and the Task before Us: The Making of the Democratic Experience. [REVIEW]Nuria Sara Miras Boronat - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy (1):181-186.
    Review of essays by Bernstein, in translation. This book review could also be entitled “John Dewey: Old and New”, recalling a distant resemblance to one of the most well known books of Dewey, Individualism Old and New (1930). But in this case the subject pursued under this title would be the development in the reception of John Dewey’s work in the past century. This is a genuine hermeneutical reflection on the significance of one of the most important American intellectuals in (...)
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    George Herbert Mead in the Twenty-First Century.Mitchell Aboulafia, Guido Baggio, Joseph Betz, Kelvin J. Booth, Nuria Sara Miras Boronat, James Campbell, Gary A. Cook, Stephen Everett, Alicia Garcia Ruiz, Judith M. Green, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Erkki Kilpinen, Roman Madzia, John Ryder, Matteo Santarelli & David W. Woods (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    While rooted in careful study of Mead’s original writings and transcribed lectures and the historical context in which that work was carried out, the papers in this volume have brought Mead’s work to bear on contemporary issues in metaphysics, epistemology, cognitive science, and social and political philosophy.
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    Review of Núria Sara Miras Boronat & Michela Bella (eds), Women in Pragmatism: Past, Present and Future. [REVIEW]Federica Castelli - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 16 (2).
    Women in Pragmatism investigates the entanglements and resonances between pragmatism and the issues, struggles, and voices of women and feminist thought. As well as describing the theme and contents of the volume, Women in Pragmatism also describes the posture of women who wrote the essays holding together their being women and pragmatists and making the two approaches interact with respect to their own specific disciplines and fields of research. Far from being a collection of individual pap...
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  25. Filosofía y democracia: John Dewey, Herder, Barcelona 2010, edited by Ramón del Casti-llo and translated by Alicia García Ruiz. By Núria Sara Miras Boronat[REVIEW]Richard Bernstein - 2011 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 3 (1):181-185.
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  26. Comprensión, diálogo Y finitud. Sobre un «humanismo pluralista» en Gadamer.Nuria Sara Mlras Boronat - 2005 - Endoxa 20:479-498.
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  27. Playing your self : modern rhetorics of play and subjectivity.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2017 - In Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean (eds.), The Philosophy of Play as Life: Towards a Global Ethos of Management. New York: Routledge.
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  28. Fink's phenomenology and ontology of play and its relation to Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics.Núria Sara Miras Boronat - 2024 - In Steve Stakland (ed.), The phenomenology of play: encountering Eugen Fink. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  29. Paseando con Mr. Wittgenstein: Wittgenstein, L.; Bouwsma, Oets Kolk, Últimas conversaciones: Salamanca, Ediciones Sígueme, 2004, 190 pp. Traducción y edición castellana: Miguel Ángel Quintana Paz. [REVIEW]Nuria Sara Miras - 2005 - Astrolabio 1:198.
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    L'asignatura pendent: una habitació pròpia. Reflexions al voltant del diàleg "Viure i conviure. Fòrum Mundial de les Dones.". [REVIEW]Nuria Sara Miras - 2005 - Astrolabio:11.
    A partir de les experiències aportades per diferents testimonis de dones de tot el món en el Fòrum, es pot fer un retrat de la seva situació actual en el món en els aspectes social, econòmic, cultural o polític i les problemàtiques per raó de gènere en cadascun d¿aquests àmbits. El discurs per la reivindicació de l¿autonomia de la dona presenta, des del punt de vista filosòfic, una interessant doble vertrebració que articula diferència i igualtat.
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    La eficacia política de la fraternidad.Núria Estrach Mira - forthcoming - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:45-57.
    La fraternidad nace en la experiencia sensible y se eleva luego a concepto racional. Radica ahí la dificultad de la aprehensión de su doble naturaleza, así como su eficacia política. Próxima a conceptos como amistad cívica, solidaridad o humanismo, se diferencia de todos ellos. Al analizar la fraternidad tal y como emerge a lo largo de la Revolución francesa a través de distintos autores en un contexto histórico político bien particular de crisis económica que se transmuta en revolución y cambio, (...)
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    Can Designer Indels Be Tailored by Gene Editing?Sara G. Trimidal, Ronald Benjamin, Ji Eun Bae, Mira V. Han, Elizabeth Kong, Aaron Singer, Tyler S. Williams, Bing Yang & Martin R. Schiller - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1900126.
    Genome editing with engineered nucleases (GEENs) introduce site‐specific DNA double‐strand breaks (DSBs) and repairs DSBs via nonhomologous end‐joining (NHEJ) pathways that eventually create indels (insertions/deletions) in a genome. Whether the features of indels resulting from gene editing could be customized is asked. A review of the literature reveals how gene editing technologies via NHEJ pathways impact gene editing. The survey consolidates a body of literature that suggests that the type (insertion, deletion, and complex) and the approximate length of indel edits (...)
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    BioEssays 12/2019.Sara G. Trimidal, Ronald Benjamin, Ji Eun Bae, Mira V. Han, Elizabeth Kong, Aaron Singer, Tyler S. Williams, Bing Yang & Martin R. Schiller - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (12):1970125.
    Graphical AbstractGene editing with engineered nucleases introduce double-strand breaks that are repaired by error-prone nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). In article number 1900126, Sara G. Trimidal et al. propose that the length and type or resulting indels can now be controlled by editing with different engineered nucleases or by manipulating the expression of NHEJ genes.
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  34. Què vol dir ser contemporani? [REVIEW]Núria Boronat - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:235-238.
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    Impact of COVID-19 lockdown in a biomedical research campus: A gender perspective analysis.Nuria Izquierdo-Useros, Miguel Angel Marin Lopez, Marta Monguió-Tortajada, Jose A. Muñoz-Moreno, Cristina Agusti Benito, Sara Morón-López, Harvey Evans, Melisa Gualdrón-López, Jörg Müller & Julia G. Prado - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From March to September 2020, researchers working at a biomedical scientific campus in Spain faced two lockdowns and various mobility restrictions that affected their social and professional lifestyles. The working group “Women in Science,” which acts as an independent observatory of scientific gender inequalities on campus launched an online survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on scientific activity, domestic and caregiving tasks, and psychological status. The survey revealed differences in scientific performance by gender: while male researchers participated in (...)
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    MIRAS BORONAT, N. S. Filòsofes de la contemporaneïtat. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2023.Gloria Luque Moya - 2023 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 28 (3):170-171.
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    Modern statelessness and the British imperial perspective. A comment on Mira Siegelberg’s Statelessness: A Modern History. [REVIEW]Sara Cosemans - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (5):801-808.
    ABSTRACT If the link between territories and people get severed, what is (or should be) the role of international law and the international community? In Statelessness. A Modern History, Mira Siegelberg (University of Cambridge) guides the reader through the answers jurists, philosophers, and diplomats have given to that question since the nineteenth century. Siegelberg is less interested in the question why the postwar arrangement failed so miserably in its plea to reduce statelessness than in the architecture of international law and (...)
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    How a Town Became Massacrable. An Approach to Stigmatization, Hatred and Revenge in the Case of El Salado.Jaime Arturo Santamaria Acosta - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 40:216-251.
    RESUMEN Cuando se mira la masacre de El Salado, es difícil no preguntarse por los factores que llevaron a esta comunidad de los Montes de María, en el contexto de la guerra rural que vivía Colombia a finales del siglo XX, a volverse un objetivo militar por parte de las A.U.C. (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia), es decir, a recibir la marca o estigma de 'pueblo guerrillero'; en otras palabras, a convertirse en un pueblo masacrable. El presente artículo intenta abordar esta (...)
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    Recommendations for Responsible Development and Application of Neurotechnologies.Sara Goering, Eran Klein, Laura Specker Sullivan, Anna Wexler, Blaise Agüera Y. Arcas, Guoqiang Bi, Jose M. Carmena, Joseph J. Fins, Phoebe Friesen, Jack Gallant, Jane E. Huggins, Philipp Kellmeyer, Adam Marblestone, Christine Mitchell, Erik Parens, Michelle Pham, Alan Rubel, Norihiro Sadato, Mina Teicher, David Wasserman, Meredith Whittaker, Jonathan Wolpaw & Rafael Yuste - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (3):365-386.
    Advancements in novel neurotechnologies, such as brain computer interfaces and neuromodulatory devices such as deep brain stimulators, will have profound implications for society and human rights. While these technologies are improving the diagnosis and treatment of mental and neurological diseases, they can also alter individual agency and estrange those using neurotechnologies from their sense of self, challenging basic notions of what it means to be human. As an international coalition of interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners, we examine these challenges and make (...)
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    Inference in Argumentation: A Topics-Based Approach to Argument Schemes.Sara Greco & Eddo Rigotti - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag. Edited by Sara Greco.
    This book investigates the role of inference in argumentation, considering how arguments support standpoints on the basis of different loci. The authors propose and illustrate a model for the analysis of the standpoint-argument connection, called Argumentum Model of Topics. A prominent feature of the AMT is that it distinguishes, within each and every single argumentation, between an inferential-procedural component, on which the reasoning process is based; and a material-contextual component, which anchors the argument in the interlocutors’ cultural and factual common (...)
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    El Mar Del Quevenimos Tonio Hölscher (2022). El Nadador DePaeStum. JuveNtud, eRos y Mar eN La aNtigua GReCia. Trad.: Lara Cortés Fernández. Barcelona: Crítica. Colección Ares y Mares. Rústica Con Sobrecubierta. 176 Páginas. [REVIEW]Henar Lanza González - 2023 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 40:252-255.
    RESUMEN Cuando se mira la masacre de El Salado, es difícil no preguntarse por los factores que llevaron a esta comunidad de los Montes de María, en el contexto de la guerra rural que vivía Colombia a finales del siglo XX, a volverse un objetivo militar por parte de las A.U.C. (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia), es decir, a recibir la marca o estigma de 'pueblo guerrillero'; en otras palabras, a convertirse en un pueblo masacrable. El presente artículo intenta abordar esta (...)
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    Anakronismen: mot den historiska manin.Sara Edenheim - 2011 - [Göteborg]: Glänta Produktion.
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    Social Movement Organization Leaders and the Creation of Markets for “Local” Goods.Sara Jane McCaffrey & Nancy B. Kurland - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (7):1017-1058.
    Research illustrates that social movements can fuel new markets and that these markets can create social change, but the role of leaders in this process is less understood. This exploratory interview-based study of the localism movement contributes to such understanding. It articulates the relationship of social movement leaders and the legitimacy of their organizations to new market creation. Specifically, leaders in this study engaged in a dual role to legitimize their organizations and to legitimize the movement. At an organizational level, (...)
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    Internal effects of stakeholder management devices.Sara A. Morris - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (4):413-424.
    Stakeholder management devices (SMDs) are the mechanisms through which organizations respond to stakeholder concerns. Given that SMDs serve as organizational control systems for employees and managers, this research investigates the internal rather than the external effects of a firm's SMDs. Unlike most previous research, I examined the effects of these formal structures, processes, and procedures in the aggregate, rather than focusing attention on a single type of device. The study investigates the effects of a firm's stakeholder management devices, in the (...)
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    COVID-19 Antibody Testing as a Precondition for Employment: Ethical and Legal Considerations.Sara Gerke, Gali Katznelson, Dorit Reiss & Carmel Shachar - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (2):293-302.
    Employers and governments are interested in the use of serological testing to allow people to return to work before there is a vaccine for SARS-CoV-2. We articulate the preconditions needed for the implementation of antibody testing, including the role of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
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  46. Design sans adaptation.Sara Green, Arnon Levy & William Bechtel - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (1):15-29.
    Design thinking in general, and optimality modeling in particular, have traditionally been associated with adaptationism—a research agenda that gives pride of place to natural selection in shaping biological characters. Our goal is to evaluate the role of design thinking in non-evolutionary analyses. Specifically, we focus on research into abstract design principles that underpin the functional organization of extant organisms. Drawing on case studies from engineering-inspired approaches in biology we show how optimality analysis, and other design-related methods, play a specific methodological (...)
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    Development of a Model of Moral Distress in Military Nursing.Sara T. Fry, Rose M. Harvey, Ann C. Hurley & Barbara Jo Foley - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (4):373-387.
    The purpose of this article is to describe the development of a model of moral distress in military nursing. The model evolved through an analysis of the moral distress and military nursing literature, and the analysis of interview data obtained from US Army Nurse Corps officers (n = 13). Stories of moral distress (n = 10) given by the interview participants identified the process of the moral distress experience among military nurses and the dimensions of the military nursing moral distress (...)
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  48. Architettoniche della ragione: il concetto di sistema in Kant e Hegel.Mario Pati - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:114-143.
    L’esigenza di conferire alla filosofia lo status di scienza per il tramite della forma sistematica è una delle caratteristiche principali dell’idealismo tedesco e, conseguentemente, una peculiarità ravvisabile nella filosofia e di Kant e di Hegel. Il presente contributo mira precisamente a comparare il sistema della ragione kantiano e hegeliano, al fine di metterne in luce gli elementi teoretici distintivi. In tal modo, sarà possibile rilevare non solo l’influsso esercitato dal filosofo di Königsberg sul pensatore di Stoccarda, ma anche l’originalità con (...)
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    Constraint‐Based Reasoning for Search and Explanation: Strategies for Understanding Variation and Patterns in Biology.Sara Green & Nicholaos Jones - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (3):343-374.
    Life scientists increasingly rely upon abstraction-based modeling and reasoning strategies for understanding biological phenomena. We introduce the notion of constraint-based reasoning as a fruitful tool for conceptualizing some of these developments. One important role of mathematical abstractions is to impose formal constraints on a search space for possible hypotheses and thereby guide the search for plausible causal models. Formal constraints are, however, not only tools for biological explanations but can be explanatory by virtue of clarifying general dependency-relations and patterning between (...)
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  50. Two kinds of observation: Why Van Fraassen was right to make a distinction, but made the wrong one.Sara Vollmer - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):355-365.
    van Fraassen's constructivist empiricist account of theories makes an epistemic distinction between entities that can and cannot be observed with the naked eye. A belief about the correctness of a theoretical description of an entity that is observable with the naked eye can be warranted by a theory. In contrast, no theory can warrant a belief about the correctness of a description of an unobservable entity. I argue that we ought to instead adopt a view that takes account of the (...)
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